PANNON Pro Innovations Ltd. is partner of EIT Climate-KIC. Climate-KIC is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. PANNON Pro offers a gateway to dedicated funds and cutting-edge know-how through the leading thematic European network of academic, industrial, policy and research partners. Our Programmes:
- „The Journey”: 3-5 weeks climate innovation summer school for Msc and PhD students
- Accelerator programme: Cleantech incubation programme for cleantech startups
- ClimateLaunchpad programme: Climate-KIC cleantech start-up idea competition
- Catapult: 2 weeks thematised summer school for PhD students
- Spotlight, Catalyst: thematized education programmes for climate professionals
This invitation to tender aims to find lecturers, trainers and coaches for Climate-KIC programmes being experts in the following areas:
- sustainable land use
- sustainable production systems
- urban transition
- business development with special focus on: marketing, market research, Business Model Canvas, design thinking, life cycle assesment, pitch training ect.
Download the coach invitation to tender document and send your application to the following email address: info@ppis.hu.