Climate-KIC Hungary is looking for individual consultants in the following topics:
Air pollution
Climate smart agriculture
Start-up and Investor network
EIT Climate-KIC is Europe's biggest climate innovation initiative. In 2018 Central and Eastern European region builds up an innovation ecosystem in three areas: Air pollution, Climate smart agriculture, Start-up & investor network.
We look for applicants who can perform consultancy job individually, based on detailed workplan. Prior knowledge, existing network and experience in the field is an asset, proficiency in English is necessary. Good communication skills and proactivity are required.
The consultant's task will cover the following activities:
· Stakeholder mapping in CEE region: Key stakeholders (business, academia, public sector, start-ups, regions, cities, clusters, NGOs) of the relevant topic (all three)
· Policy background of the relevant topic (all three)
· European Commission’s activities in the relevant area (all three)
· Coal regions in Poland (labour-unions) Air pollution consultant
· National strategies of the relevant area (all three)
· Regional specializations and their link with Climate-KIC programmes (all three)
· Accelerator programs for the Start-Up & Investor network consultant
· Education models of the relevant area (all three)
· Social and behavioural aspects of air quality issues (Air pollution consultant)
Based on the activity carried out by the consultant Climate-KIC CEE plans to host matchmaking events, workshops, internships and ideation events on a regional level and a pan-European basis in collaboration with Climate-KIC Theme teams and Regional Innovation Scheme.
If interested, please send your application to annamaria.virag@climate-kic.org before 20th May 2018. including your consultancy fee and references, if relevant. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and invited for a personal meeting.