Start-up Acceleration Programme delivers:
- business & financial planning,
- pitch & sales trainings,
- grants up to 15.000 EUR (i.e. 0-15.000)
- access to a Europe wide innovation society,
- access to master-classes and training sessions across Europe,
- visibility and exposure.
Should your idea or innovation mitigate or adapt climate change, then apply to our three stages clean-tech acceleration programme. Applications are expected on the fields of:
- Alternative Energy (e.g. solar energy, energy efficiency increasing innovations)
- Organic material technologies (e.g. polymers, biogas)
- Waste management
- Sustainable agriculture
- „Smart Cities” (e.g. city infrastructure, innovations influencing living standards)
- „Green Vehicles” (new type vehicles, electric vehicles and other solutions)
- Software applications
Apply now! For more information visit the Accelerator Program website