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Climate-KIC education on tender opportunities in EU’s H2020 Program

22. January 2015.

In 2014 in partnership with SKC Holding (H2020 education expert in the Central-Hungarian region) Climate-KIC organized a series of courses about the opportunities and the best practices in application for tenders in the EU’s Horizon 2020 program. Along with administrational, thematic and financial know-how, Climate-KIC also showcased best practices during the courses that took place in Budapest. The aim of was to increase the potential of SMEs in the H2020 program in the region.

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Alkalmazkodó szolgáltatások

Adaptation services

Bio-gazdaság fejlesztése

Developing a bio-economy

Ipari szimbiózis

Industrial symbiosis

Fenntartható városi rendszerek

Sustainable city systems