Dániel was one of the hungarian participants of The Journey. Read our interview with him on his experiences and thoughts about the program.
Which countries did you visit throughout The Journey?
Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands
What project did you work on?
the ‘Flex |a| box’ project
What was the most interesting thing about the teamwork in an international team?
The interesting thing was to see the aspects of people with different view from mine and to accommodate my ideas with a lawyer, a manager and an engineer…After thinking with people having similar mindset for 5-6 years on the university this experience really freshened me up.
What was the biggest challenge in The Journey?
The biggest challenge was to keep the tempo, to be fresh and to give your best in English, ideas, presentation, focusing, etc. for 5 weeks, every day …
What did you like most about The Journey?
The sparkling and energetic atmosphere the students created and the positive and motivating view of everyone working in the Organisation.
What were your most valuable take-aways from The Journey?
The most important take aways were the experience of seeing how things are happening in developed countries and the attitude of putting momentum and value into every field of life. Actually to see that the resources are given and big things do work if we want to, believe, and put enough effort into them.
What would you recommend to future Journey participants?
Don’t mind if you don’t have specialized environmental knowledge or you are not an engineer! The Journey puts different people together on purpose and knows that non-expert people are needed because they can think outside the box. If you trust yourself, your performance will be better.